Monday, March 2, 2009

highs & lows from last week


1. I finally embraced my bump(s) and pulled out the maternity clothes (I'm about 16 weeks along now). It is so much better wearing clothes that actually fit than struggling every day to squeeze into regular clothes and constantly being reminded that I'm no longer my regular size. Plus, thanks to my stylish sister and SILs and our maternity-clothes-sharing program, my maternity wardrobe is actually way better than my regular wardrobe.

2. Scott and I went to the Deseret Book Artist Appreciation dinner on Wednesday and got to hobnob with the LDS elite at the top of the COB. Elder Bednar's talk was amazing, the entertainment actually rather entertaining, the food not bad, the chocolates great, but mostly I was so proud to see Scott honored and appreciated for some of the great work he's done this year. I love being his wife.

3. Great weather all week with lots of playing outside time. I even turned the heater off one day (although Scott made me turn it back on when he got home - it's a constant battle between us these days)

4. The next-door neighbors set up their new trampoline. One more reason why we don't have to get one!

5. June has great trampoline-static-hair.

6. I managed to get all 3 kids bathed 3 times this week, plus got all their toe nails & finger nails cut in one night. This is one of my least favorite parental tasks, so quite a feat to get it all done at once.

7. Great Thai takeout on Saturday night --> great Thai leftovers this week :)

8. I took the kids to the BYU MOA to see a new exhibit of Walter Wick's art (author of I Spy). They were so excited and enthusiastic as they looked around and tried to solve the riddles and wondered at how someone could do all that.

9. June has kept us very entertained with her Yo Gabba Gabba-style "cool tricks cool tricks". She does it just like in the show: announces her trick, does the trick, then stands up at the end to say "my name is June and that was my cool trick" which comes out sounding a little like "blah blah blah Ju blah blah blah cooo tiii".

10. Brenden had 2 great snowboarding days this week -- Friday with his school ski club and Saturday he and Scott went back together. He is getting quite good and fast and really loves it. We are so lucky to live so close to Sundance which actually keeps skiing/snowboarding easy and affordable. I need to get myself out there at least once before the end of the season!

11. I went to Soel to use my bday money (thanks mom!) on a pair of shoes I've been eyeing for a while, but hadn't been able to bring myself to spend that much money on, only to discover that they were, that day, 40% off! Don't you love it when that happens?!

12. I made a double batch of the best chocolate chip cookies on earth, with plans to share most of them with my poor neglected visiting teaching sisters, but never quite made the drop off. We have much enjoyed them ourselves.

13. Scott did the Sunday dinner dishes :)


1. Our dishwasher is still broken, with at least another week to go until the backordered parts are in stock. Yep - that's going on about a month now. Yep - we do wish we'd just gotten a new one from the beginning of the problems. No - we still don't have the money to get a new one now so we'll have to just stick it out. I've gotten pretty good at avoiding using dishes. Big-size paper cups and plastic forks make good mixing tools, a plastic butter knife can cut pizza just fine, Rachel's favorite veggie steamer bags work really well. But I still hate washing dishes by hand.

2. I don't think I can handle any more news about another bailout package, spending bill, obscenely huge federal budget proposal, or initiative aimed at eliminating or impeding free markets, personal responsibility, or rewards for success and hard work. This gives me ulcers every day, and inspires me even more to continue building our food supply.

3. Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist -- bad movie, don't see it.

4. June and Oliver both decided they didn't really feel like going to their classes this week at church. June required Scott or I to stay with her in Nursery for almost the whole time, and Oliver literally sat in the hallway outside his class for 2 hours. Finally his patient and persistent teacher convinced him to come in for the last 10 mintues, but he had long since proven his point that he didn't have to if he didn't want to. What's the best way to handle this? Logic and bribery didn't seem to work.

5. We have to dial all 10 digits even when calling locally now. Booo

6. We still need to do our taxes

7. Scott's been working a lot lately, which in several important ways can go on the Highs list (he is healthy, the economy hasn't effected his job too much just yet, plus working is good for our bank account) but we miss him being around more at home.

8. Our bulbs are coming up like crazy. Usually this would be exciting, but I'm totally convinced winter is not over, so I'm worried they won't survive.

9. The snow has melted to reveal an overwhelming growth of weeds in the flowerbeds, yet it is too cold to want to go out to do much gardening yet.

10. The warmer weather also takes away our last excuse for still having Christmas lights up on the house and in the trees (hear that Zack?!)

11. June has squarely entered the "terrible twos" complete with throwing tantrums and exherting independence. She can detect the slightest suggestion of baking happening in the kitchen and immediately pushes her chair over to "hep". Today she threw a fit because she wanted me to film her jumping on the trampoline more. Yesterday she threw a fit because we wouldn't let her watch Yo Gabba Gabba on our iphones at church. Oliver teases her mercilessly. She is very strong and hits and kicks her brothers a lot. She blames everything on Oliver:

scene: June falls down
me: "oh no June did you fall down? are you ok?"
june: (in a very whiny voice) "wah-wah" (her word for Oliver - even though he was no where near her when she fell)

scene: we're walking out the door and need to get shoes on
me: "June - where are your shoes?"
june: (in a very whiny voice) "wah-wah" (even though he didn't have anything to do with her shoes)

scene: june wants to play with her baby stroller
me: "June why are you sad? Where is your stroller"
june: (in a very whiny voice) "wah-wah" (well that time he really did take it from her and won't give it back)

Here's to the start of a new week.


Annee said...

Glad to see June's hair falls right in line with Zackrison family baby hair. We have lots of that at our house. Have fun with the newly independent 2 year old. We had two of those, and it goes on record as my very darkest year ever. It's rough, all the fits and tantrums and so much irrationality.

I will have to try the chocolate chip cookie recipe. Do you really like it with the shortening?

Sorry about the dishwasher.

Turn the news off. Life is the same whether you know what's going on or not. Enough with the pundits. I can't stand the word "bail out". Bail out suggestions the end of all problems. Sadly in this context, it seems to mean, "the very beginning of all problems". That's why I hate the news.

Food storage sounds like a very good hobby right now. Good luck with that.

Annee said...

P.S. Super baby bump. I love it! And the rotating maternity wardrobe was an outstanding program. Now if only we could work out a rotating non-maternity clothes program. Then I would really be stylin'.

sarah said...

I tried it with the shortening and it wasn't bad, but I felt like they didn't last very long -- got pretty brittle the next day. So now I go for 100% butter. Maybe they're not quite as fluffy, but still better than our old recipe (Nestle Tollhouse).

Karin said...

-You look great
-love June's hair, but too bad there aren't any fun videos of her -j/k(see "low #11)
-and i REALLY hope your dishwasher is mended soon... but I guess at least you have an EXCUSE for the piled up dishes. i am simply lazy.

Michelle said...

First of all I cannot believe your dishwasher is STILL broken! What happened to the dishwasher whisperer? LOL! Also, I think I have dialed every phone number twice today. Buggin. AND my maternity wardrobe is better then my regular wardrobe too! Ha ha! Loved this post. It really made me laugh. We need to get together soon! You are so cute pregnant!

Annalee said...

You look adorable! I totally agree about the food storage! time to get crackin!

Scott had to stay with June? How did it go?

I love the shots of Junes hair! so cute!

LosPeterson said...

Way to rock those bump(s) Sarah (you always look good pregnant, btw). And big congrats to Scott. Also, let me know how you get the kids to go to nursery/primary. I'm tired of sitting in tiny chairs the last 2 hours of church and/or chasing Gunnar through the hallways.

Ie Li said...

I love your bump. Truly adorable.

As I was packing the maternity clothes, I was amazed at the huge selection of stlyish clothes. For a moment, I wanted to be pregnant just so I could wear those clothes again.

jules said...

Love your posts. Meant to go to Yoga with you this morning but somehow my body wouldn't get up. Maybe it is because I was up with Ella trying to deal with a fever and hallucinations around 3 am. Lame excuse. Sorry. I really am anxious to see you. I am grateful for your posts because then it is like I am seeing you and i get to know what is going on with you and yours. Emily just informed me that Daniel brought her and Yaw to visit last night while I was at enrichment. Glad you got to meet our newest member of our family. Curious to know what Oliver thinks. Would love it if they were friends. Lets shoot for friday yoga if you are up for it.

jayne wells said...

Thanks so much for commenting so I could find you! I forgot your link when you told me. I love June's comments blaming Oliver. My Julian cries as soon as Parley comes in the room!

Randi said...

agreed. don't watch Nick & Norah. Boo.

Emilie and Branden said...

Don't even get me started on Nick & Norah. I was so disappointed. I want those 90 minutes back.

Shannon said...

Congratulations! I am so excited for you guys!