Thursday, July 1, 2010

Hawaii -- last day

On our last day we spent a long time playing at the beach out in front of the house.

Chris showed off his mad skim boarding skills
Renae played with her pretty babies on the beach
Brenden spent a lot of time on a boogie board
Brenden and I worked pretty hard to coordinate our wave riding

We couldn't pass up the opportunity to get some new family photos in paradise. It's so easy at the time to think it's too much trouble, but I'm so glad we pushed forward and made sure we got some good shots. (note the new sidebar - finally!)

Oliver got really good at blowing the conch shell by the end of the week

Here's a fun little series capturing some of Huck's mischief:

1. Eying the target

2. Kind of like a hug
3. Just a little pinch

4. Caught red-handed

And just a few more of my favorites...

We packed and cleaned and made it on our 10:50pm flight just in the nick of time. The flight back is another one of those experiences best left forgotten (complete with baby melt-downs, daddy melt-downs, seat complications, etc). But we made it back and have jumped right back into real life. Now it's been about 3 weeks since we've been home and looking back at these pictures it seems so long ago already. Sad.

My mom always said, "A change is as good as a rest" which I find to be particularly true of family vacations. It's not like the work of parenthood goes away just because you're on a beach in Hawaii. There are still meals to fix/feed, fights to break-up, kids to entertain, hurt feelings to mend, and cleaning to do. But I find it quite refreshing to do it all in a different place with beautiful scenery where we might also be able to make some new memories and lasting impressions on the kids as well. (At least I work really hard to remind myself of that and not to feel too sorry for myself that I never actually got to read that People magazine I so hopefully bought in the airport on the way out of town.)



Ie Li said...

Oh Sarah, those pictures are beautiful. I love that you're wearing a flower in your ear. I always feel prettier when I have a flower in my ear.

Rachel F. said...

Is that place real? It looks amazing! Are you really riding a wave? Man I miss that. I love the new family photos!

Katie said...

It's been really fun reading about and seeing the pictures of your trip. It looked like an amazing time. I like your mom's outlook on 'change is as good as rest' because I agree with what you said. Not all of the chores go away, but it's nice doing them somewhere new & different.
I Love your family pictures. Beautiful.

Lisa and Mike Marion said...

Beautiful photos. Brenden and Oliver are looking more alike as they get older.

Christine said...

I love the new pictures, I was feeling so bad for Huck that he wasn't officially part of the blog yet. Hawaii looks amazing, I want to go there!!

Ana said...

Wow it looks like you guys had an amazing time in Hawaii!! It was so great to see you guys yesterday and catch up in person. Your kids are the cutest!!