Thursday, August 6, 2009

we're on our own now

Laurel went home and Scott went back to work so we're on our own now. Gulp! Yesterday the solution was to spend 4 hours at the mall. Wonder what we'll come up with today.

This is from and is put out by Hallmark in their new Edge of Motherhood collection. I thought it was pretty funny. Oliver sings that girlfriend song all the time.


Anne said...

i saw these cards on design mom this morning, too and i love them.

Annee said...

four hours at the mall is no easy task! Wish we were there to help! More pictures of Huck please.

P.S. George sings that song too!

Jim said...

4 hours at the mall and you gave birth 1 week ago? wow.
this is why we have backyards- send the kids out to create their own scavenger hunt while you rest on the couch.