Saturday, September 19, 2009

Our first born turned 10 today??!!

What happened to this guy??
Wasn't it just yesterday?!

Happy Birthday sweet boy.

Thank you for the peaceful spirit you bring into our home.
Thank you for your help.
Thank you for being an example.
Thank you for teaching me how to be a mother.

I love you more than you'll ever know
until you have a child of your own.

And look at him today -- what a heart breaker!

I'm so proud.


Annee said...

oh man, I'm all choked up over the whole ordeal. It goes by fast. It really, really does. I get it now.

To Brenden: We thought of you two days in a row since it was your birthday here in Korea a whole day before it was your birthday in Utah. We hope the parties keep on coming!

Annalee said...

Happy Birthday!

p.s. I love your hair!

Ie Li said...

Happy Birthday, Brenden! You are a sweet boy and we love you so so much.