Monday, March 7, 2011

Scott's been out of town, plus our weekly sister post

Scott's been away for 5 days "on tour" with The Lower Lights. According to all reports, they've had some amazing shows - Scott even says some of the best musical experiences of their lives. That right there makes all the hours of preparation and physical and emotional support worth it to me. I've tried hard to keep things very low-key this weekend since I was feeling quite stressed last week. So that has been sort of nice, although I am pretty sad to have missed out on some great shows.

So we're all super excited to have Scott home tonight, for several reasons.
  • The trash is really piling up and I really don't want to take it out in the snow. If I hold out just a little longer I'm sure he'll walk in the door and be happy to resume trash duties as his first order of business.
  • The water bottle needs to be changed. I'm really thirsty.
  • I haven't had a decent meal the whole time he's been gone. The kids have eaten chicken nuggets and grilled cheese sandwiches, and I've had at least one (maybe two?) whole bags of tortilla chips and a big jar of salsa, plus a whole pan of layered brownie goodness, and oh yeah, cakebites. But my stomach aches for a good reason to cook (or order?) a real meal.
  • Brenden was sick on Sunday and had to endure my non-compassionate nursing and constant second-guessing. Scott is much better at that.
  • I need some sleep - haven't been to bed before 3am since he's been gone. That doesn't help me get or stay healthy.
  • Being a solo parent is lonely.
On the positive side, I have managed to make some major headway on Mi Na's Christmas stocking, and also did a much needed re-org in my closet. For the closet clean-out, I found myself having a hard time with the standard throw away/give away/put away piles, so I renamed them:

  1. I'm excited to wear this tomorrow - keep it and hang it up
  2. I sure wish I liked this more (aka I used to like this and I feel like I should still like it) - put them in a pile on the floor of the closet to most likely give away in the next round, but don't force myself to get rid of them just yet.
  3. I wish I didn't even have this so I wouldn't feel so guilty about not liking it and never wearing it - these go to DI immediately

This week's installment of the Sisters blog is hosted by Christine here. We'll be rotating through the sisters in birth order - so I guess I'm next.

P.S. Mom asked about the bedding and curtains in this guest room. I did sew the curtains before our recent house guests came. I got a bit of inspiration for a yellow and white stripe, and added some crocheted flower trim and tied them back with some lace. The bedding I did not sew, but found on ebay from Pottery Barn's Matine Toile series. I really love it - might be my favorite bedroom in the house right now.


Karin said...

Thank you for sharing your husband with us in the northwest... the show was great! We had a lot of fun and have enjoyed the CD. There were a few songs in concert that weren't on the CD (Sunshine in my Soul comes to mind) so I'm looking forward to the release of a 2nd album:)
Oh, and I love the yellow, too.

LKP said...

am so tickled to see a link to my little blog here on your post. the show in tri-cities was everything i mentioned and more! wish you also could have been there. it was so moving. anyhow, i'll be checking out your blog more often.

i love the sunshiny yellow of your bedroom! such a happy room. perfectly delightful. :)