Thursday, October 22, 2009

bumbo baby

He hates his carseat.
He hates his swing.
But he loves his Bumbo!

p.s. At 3:30pm today I dropped off my bribe cookies. At 5:00pm I got the call that my pants were ready. Nice.


Stephanie Aurora Clark Nielson said...

that is SOOOOOOOOO funny. and pretty awesome too Sarah

Rachel F. said...

Ah he looks so different already! Sad...

jayne wells said...

We had lots of fun with you guys tonight--we like you guys lots. Huck is so awesome in that bumbo. And I seriously cannot believe that BYU pants story. Amazing! I wonder if the nasty BYU cops would be a little less nasty if brought cookies.

Annee said...

That face!! Can he come to Korea please?

Just ask everyone with a baby I know, they know my sister has a baby that I have NOT gotten to hold yet, so I hold proxy babies. I can see now I'm going to need to hold many more babies to build up enough arm muscles to sustain the abundance that is Huck.

Randi said...

that is hilarious.
love that you go and get your jeans hemmed. where are they from?

sarah sample said...

sarah, that story is hilarious. great to see you all the other night!

Ana said...

He is so adorable!!!