Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Camp Wiley

Well, in spite of my aforementioned distaste for the season of summer, we are doing our best here to run an entertaining summer camp. We start off each morning with swimming lessons at Seven Peaks. The boys are actually really enjoying it this year and are making some great improvements. Lessons end right when the water park opens, which means if we stay we can be the first ones on the slides. So most days that's what we do. Generally we're done swimming by 1pm, go home for lunch, and are ready for an afternoon activity.

The kids in our neighborhood are crazy about lemonade sales (actually, I have yet to see anyone selling lemonade). Every day the boys will run in to ask for $0.50 to buy this or that from someone or other. I make them do a job -- clean up the rubberbands, or strip the sheets off the bed, etc. I figured one of these days we'd probably have to join in the fun and Monday was the day. The boys wanted to do a sale, and I couldn't bring myself to either sell countrytime lemonade or to make fresh squeezed lemonade @ $0.79/lemon. So we settled on snow cones. The boys thought the traffic on our cul-de-sac just wouldn't do, so we set up shop right across the street from Seven Peaks. We used our handy car A/C power adapter to run the snow cone maker. We set up the table and the sign and the supplies and waited for customers. They trickled in until Seven Peaks closed and then there was an onslought. The boys ended up making $24.27! Pretty impressive.

We ran out of ice once, and had to borrow some from the neighbor. The same neighbor who turns out I was supposed to make dinner for that night (I do a dinner exchange with her and Monday was my night!) but didn't remember until it was too late! So we borrowed ice, I profusely apologized, they went to KFC, and then they came and bought snow cones from us.

So of course by the next day (yesterday) all that moolah was burning a hole in their pockets, so the afternoon activity was to go to Toys 'R Us and the mall to spend it. Oliver got a little monster truck and a used DS game. Brenden got a used XBox360 game. So that was a success.

6 more weeks to go until school starts.


Leslie said...

what a great idea. I love snow cones, so I probably would have stopped if I drove by :) Did you make all the flavors?

Darin said...

That's a classic picture of summer. We would have bought some...

Annee said...

That was from me.

Rachel F. said...

That sounds like fun! Wish I could be there to participate. Keep it up

emmy said...

I am a sucker for snowcones. Why don't we live next door to you? Oh yeah. You live in Provo. Let me know your next sale - we will come down to support the monstertruck and used games cause.