Tuesday, June 9, 2009

June 9th with squirrels and a photo shoot

So about squirrels...

Remember when I posted about how great it was to have wildlife in our yard? How I took it as a sign of landscape maturity and accomplishment that they are comfortable in our yard? Well the thing is I didn't really need more help propagating weeds. They seemed to be doing just fine on their own, and I was doing my darndest to keep up with them. But then along comes the squirrel who insists on stashing seeds between every rock -- deep into areas I dare not stretch my hand, and what would you know, but they have sprouted and grown -- everywhere. Besides just being a nuisance, it makes me wonder about this instinct squirrels have to bury seeds. Squirrels bury seeds for the purpose of storing up food, but seeds grow. Hence when the squirrel goes back to retrieve said stashed seed, it is no longer there, thereby defeating the instinct, right? But on the other hand, what are these mysterious seeds which seem to grow vigorously in such hostile rocky untended conditions?! Needless to say the birdfeeder now remains empty. Bethany suggested I bake the seeds before filling it to render them infertile. But really, that's just way too much work.

And now, a pre-bedtime photo shoot:

Yummy fudgcicle

Strike a pose!


June - make a mad face


Karin said...

Good luck with the squirrel stashing- better than a gopher, I suppose;)
June's hair is super cute!

Bethany said...

Argh! How frustrating. And I don't blame you -- it does sound like a lot of work.