Saturday, May 17, 2008


I'm so bored. I don't know why. I have plenty to do and am busy but I've just been feeling bored every day this week. So bored that all I can think about is shopping and making cookies. I made cookies last week. They were delicious. The whole double batch of them. I can't make cookies again. June has enough clothes and I'm out of money. I can't go shopping any more. Cleaning the house is boring. Weeding the yard is boring. Cooking is boring. Blogging is boring. I'm in a rut.

So in that spirit, here are a few random things that have been going on around here the past few days. I'm too bored to tie them together in a meaningful way or come up with an over-arching theme. (I'm also too bored to try to tie in that picture at the top. I just thought it was cute.)

--Trey Widtfeldt, age 5

We're starting plans to work on the back yard landscaping this summer. It will be a scaled back version of our master plan, but will at least be nice to have some grass and no more dirt. I mentioned to the landscaper that I'd like to have a garden plot so we scoped out locations and he said, "well then it's time to get your seeds started." I've never planted a garden from seeds -- always just get the starts from the nursery. But figured I'd give it a try this year when I realized how cheap seed packets are. Oliver helped me plant some herbs (Cilantro, Dill, Basil, Parsley, and Mint) and his special request was pumpkins. We also did some tomatoes, spinach, peppers, squash, beans, onions, and carrots. I have no idea what I'm doing but hopefully some of it will work. I hope by the time they are ready to be transplanted to the garden, there will be a garden for them to go into.

I LOVE corn on the cob

I was so excited when I saw unshucked corn on the cob at the grocery store the other day. This is my absolute favorite summer treat. (That and wearing skirts are about the only good things about summer.) Just throw one on the BBQ until the husk is charred (about12 mins). Then peal the husk back (the silks should just fall off) and butter and salt away. My favorite topping is celery salt. (BTW this technique also works in the broiler.) Eating corn this way reminds me of our happy Thursday nights at the South Pasadena Farmer's Market.

It's about time

June finally discovered the bathroom, complete with toilet paper unravelling and toilet water splashing. Totally gross.


Oliver is excited because he's finally started playing chords on the piano. The boys continue their lessons every week and despite all the complaining about practicing, are progressing quite nicely.

More about June

Here is an impressively wild hair day. And June's new favorite activity.

Girls are dumb

The other day when Brenden, Oliver, and Chandler went out to play in the cul-de-sac, 8 girls emerged from the various houses around to play with them. That's pretty good odds for us. There are two girls in particular who seem quite in love with Brenden (both second graders). They were doing the typical chasing, hitting, teasing that girls do when they like a boy. Then they wrote something with chalk on the sidewalk then Brenden got a water bottle and sprayed them then they ran away acting mad which made Brenden feel bad and he ran inside in tears. He was very upset. The girls came to the door to apologize but he didn't want to see them. I suggested they could write him a note. I tried to talk to him to figure out what happened or why he was so upset and turns out they wrote "We hate Brenden and Chandler" on the sidewalk and that had really hurt his feelings. So then I had to have "the talk" with him. (Well the talk that comes before "The Talk.") The one about how when a girl likes you they will hit you and tease you and tell you they hate you but really they like you. Oh man. What are we getting into here?!

About a half hour later he'd calmed down and they came to deliver their notes. He apologized for throwing water on them, they apologized for being mean. It all ended nicely and he told me they'd decided to play together again tomorrow. I came into the office to find him feeding the notes to the shredder. I missed the first one, but asked to read the other and he handed it over. This is awesome.

Brenden gets some air

Scott took the boys out motorcycle riding on Friday and Brenden found an area to learn/practice some jumps. They're having a great time with this new activity.

Other misc things to report for which there are no pictures...

* I've continued with the yoga, practicing about 5 mornings a week. I'm still enjoying it and hopefully getting stronger and better. It's been fun having Rachel & Christine come along a few times (even if I have to wake Christine up when I'm in the parking lot) and I miss them now that they're both off on various summer adventures this week.

* Scott's been working hard this week finishing up a new lullaby album (non-religious/more traditional lullabies) for Deseret Book. It's sounding really awesome so far. He's picked some great songs and singers and come up with beautiful arrangements. I'm very excited to have a new standard baby gift to give out. He's supposed to turn in the master on Wednesday so hopefully he'll get to take a bit of a break after that. (The artwork has gotten even worse for this one, so once again, please don't hold that against it -- it's a fantastic album.)

* Memorial Day is almost here! I'm very excited since June and I both have new white skirts which you can bet we'll be wearing on Monday!


Annee said...

Too bad about being so bored. I can not believe that the note seriously had a "check the box" section. That is just so cliche. I thought that by the year 2008 little girls would have thought of something new. I'm so glad June is playing in the toilet. I would have felt bad if you had missed out on that phase of parenting. It's awsome. Can't wait to see the white skirts, and you guys, very soon!

Heather said...

I've had some pretty BORING days as well. Work's slow, and I feel sick! I can't wait 'till I have to deal with little kids hitting (flirting) and sweet sorry notes! haha! That doesn't sound too boring. Maybe I'll make some corn on the cob today.

Karin said...

Wow, random yet interesting... So Sarah Jane's illustrations didn't work out for the covers? Too bad - she's got great stuff.

Brooke said...

does making cookies really mean being bored? because then i must seriously be really, really bored.


Katie said...

Very enjoyable post. It's fun getting glimpses into my familly's lives. I bought that same pink skirt for Chloe on one of my 'bored so go shopping' trips to Target.

Lisa and Mike Marion said...

WHere did you find those little planting boxes? They are cool. Unconsciously I have been wearing white all week. What self control you have to wait until next week!

Rachel F. said...

Hey did you go to the Dave Ramsey thing?

And aren't you on your way to CA? That's not boring at all!

sarah said...

The containers I used for planting the seeds are pony packs (the kind you buy flowers in at the nursery) with a tray underneat and clear dome cover. I bought it all at Cooks Nursery in Orem. I think the tray and dome I'll be able to reuse next time, but the pony packs are very flimsy and probably will need to be replaced.

emmy said...

How do I comment on all that great stuff. Why do I even blog. You think you are bored - after I read your blog I realize I lead a very boring life and didn't even know it!

The Brenden girl thing is too great! What a heartbreaker - you better watch out.

Agreed on the corn and summer skirts thing. I absolutely hate shorts - long pasty awkward legs and shorts just don't mix. Skirts and flip flops are where it is at. Remind me to tell you about my days picking corn on my uncle's farm for 50 cents an hour. It involves a slaughtered pig.

And last but not least: Why is June so freakin cute. Crazy hair and all. She is a doll.