Sunday, January 27, 2008

August Rush & Juno - more movie reviews

So this weekend has been a marathon of stake conference activities (setup chairs, usher, clean up, priesthood training mtg, adult mtg, general session, more chairs to setup) but in between it all Scott found time to take the boys to the miniature train show at Thanksgiving Point. He said the Lego train was really cool but the rest was a little underwhelming with too many booths for buying stuff.

I decided while they were gone that June and I should do something fun too, so we went and saw August Rush at the dollar theater. My first impression was it was a bit cheesy and I was glad Scott wasn't there with me since he can't handle the cheese. But by the end I was on board and really enjoyed it. I like the concept of music in the universe connecting us and of course the idea of mother-child love conquering all.

After the adult session on Saturday night, we decided to take advantage of having a babysitter and Scott and I went to see Juno. We've been wanting to see it for a while and liked the idea of supporting a movie promoting adoption. Although it portrayed a couple somewhat questionable moral choices and some risque conversation, it was clever and cute and entertaining. Scott thought it was a little Gilmore Girls-esque in it's fast-paced clever dialog.

So there you go. A couple upbeat and light hearted happy-ish shows to add to your netflix list (although most of you are probably way ahead of us in movie-going in which case feel free to add your commentaries here).


Annee said...

I enjoyed Juno. I saw it without Darin. I don't know what he would have thought about it. But any movie that promotes giving a baby up for adoption rather than having an abortion, I think is a movie we should support. Of course, the next message would be to give the baby to a two-parent family. But you know, I'll be patient with Hollywood. It's baby steps. I did feel like it was light hearted and feel good, mostly.

Ie Li said...

I haven't seen either, but I really want to see Juno. We don't really get to go see movies in the theaters much, but I think we're going to see "27 Dresses" this weekend. I'll let you know what I think about it. I might have to wait until Juno and August Rush come out on DVD.

sarah said...

OK Ie Li, I was going to give you a pass on making Steve do pilates and watch Anne of Green Gables, but 27 Dresses just might be too much! I'll bet he'd love to see Rambo :)

Katie said...

I always like movie reviews and reccomendations. Carter has expressed interest in August Rush. Is it appropriate for him? Two shows that we have rented and liked are Vitus and Killer Diller. We discovered them at Hollywood Video.
You know a guy is in love when he will do pilates to Anne of Green Gables! Sidenote: we were reading the scriptures the other night and it was my turn to read. I read about Pilate but pronounced it like the exercise, it really through everyone off. Carter wanted to know who pill-ott-tee was?

sarah said...

Yeah I think Carter could handle August Rush. Like I said it's a bit cheesy and heavy on the artsy side, but it had some cool music in it and it's fun to see kids playing instruments. The premise at the beginning is that these two musicians (she a classical cellist and he a rock musician) came together for one perfect night of love and passion and she got pregnant. They never show really show any of the sex part overtly - just imply it. The rest of the movie is them pining for each other and ultimately trying to find each other again.

Ie Li said...

Where's the fun in making anyone do anything?

Ie Li said...

By the way Katie, that is hilarious about Pilate!

sarah said...

I guess my awe and wonder should be more directed at Steve. Where did that guy come from? Sounds like a catch.