Thursday, January 24, 2008

Boeing 787 Dreamliner, by Brenden

In case you've been looking for Brenden for the past week, he's been heads down (that's corporate speak) in the family room building legos. At 6am when he wakes up; 3:30pm as soon as he's home from school; 8:00pm when it's time for bed, asking "please can I just finish one more step?" He has an amazing attention span and ability to focus and follow the instructions. This is a set Santa brought him for Christmas. It's a model of a Boeing 787 Dreamliner. It has 1200 pieces and about 150 steps and is rated for kids ages 10-15. Very occasionally he'll ask for a little help, but for the most part he has done it all on his own. Due to June's current vacuum-esque tendencies, he's had to move his operation off the floor and onto the couch. That was a conflict and has taken some convincing ("No, I can't just keep her away, Brenden") but has worked out.

So, drum roll please........

Here it is. Complete.


Annee said...

That is amazing. I don't think I have that much of an attention span! Crazy. Tell him it's awsome.

Ie Li said...

What a focused kid! That is a really great accomplishment.

Julie said...

Hi sarah,

Its Julie Garcia (Brooks). That is amazing that he was able to complete that. My 3 yr old Jonah saw that picture as I was looking at it and he said "mom I want to make one like that, right now!" it was pretty funny as if it took like a couple minutes to do...Tell him he is amazing..

Karin said...

Wow, that is seriously impressive! And he didn't even loose any to June's digestive track- equally impressive:)

Lisa and Mike Marion said...

Having dabbled with legos a little myself I must say that is rather amazing!

Katie said...

That is impressive!

Katie said...

Caleb just saw this over my shoulder and said, "Whoa. Sweet. Is that an airplane?"
"Who made that?"
I said, "Brenden."
"Brenden?", he questioned.
"Yep. Brenden.", I replied.
"Oh. He got a haircut.", he said.

Funny. He hasn't even seen the haircut post. Yes, he should be in bed.