Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Consider the format changes the post for today

I'm going to try to not be discouraged by how much time I've spent today learning how to customize the format of our blog. I'm sure it's a one-time investment and won't be any indication of how much time I'll spend every day (because that just wouldn't work at all). So no new real post today, but enjoy the new look.

p.s. Some of you might recognize that the background print is indeed the wallpaper in our powder room.

p.p.s. Our beloved dishwasher is broken and the repair guy can't come until Monday. What the heck are we supposed to do until then?! I've gotten so lazy I don't pre-rinse the dishes at all or even wash pots & pans by hand anymore -- just do multiple loads in the dishwasher every day. I don't even know if I remember how to wash dishes by hand! They are piling up and it's not good. I'd better go buy some paper products to get us through.


Leslie said...

Hey Sarah, It's Leslie your cousin:) I found your blog through Annee's. We also have a blog so check us I love your template! Where did you find it? Or did you design it yourself? Very cute! I am sorry about your dishwasher...That would defiantly be a big problem for me, since I HATE doing dishes! Good luck until Monday.

Ie Li said...

How horrible! We've only had a dishwasher for a year, but there's no going back. Having a really good brush with a handle helps with hand washing dishes and you could use the dishwasher as a drying rack.

Annee said...

Using the dish washer as a drying rack could actually be a really good solution. That's the part I hate. You do all the dishes, then they are just laying around drying, because after all that washing, who wants to HAND dry. That's way too much effort and attention on the dishes!

The background is great. If you love something, it's good to keep using it. It's such a great pattern.

sarah said...

That is a great idea, Ie Li! Thanks!

Katie said...

If God wanted us to wash dishes he wouldn't have invented Chinette.

Geo said...

I hope Rob doesn't read this. He will start talking about his new pet idea—to have one beautiful Aisan bowl and one pair of chopsticks per person, and that's it. Just get rid of the dishes.