Thursday, January 10, 2008


This is what we woke up to yesterday. It was beautiful. It kept going most of the day and left us with about 8 inches of fresh snow at our house. It did present a few problems on the roads, though. Scott got stuck on the way to work and had to get a push from some guy. And when I was driving Oliver to school we passed a mom we know from the neighborhood and her 2 young boys (4 & 5) walking to school since they couldn't get their car out of their garage. I admired her determination. At that point I would have called it a personal snow day for sure!


Ie Li said...

That does look beautiful! And if you're wondering about the frequency of my posts and comments, the answer is yes- all I do while nursing is read blogs. Today, it just so happens that I've been nursing A LOT!

Stephanie Aurora Clark Nielson said...

I am homesick i am homesick, i am soooo homesick. i want to come to your house and hang out and watch that snow fall...can i?

sarah said...

you are welcome any time, stephanie. we have a room made up and ready for you now.

Geo said...

Wasn't it amazing? I can't believe I didn't make snow cream that day!

Katie said...

That is so pretty. It's a shame it looks so fresh and clean and can cause such headaches with driving. That mom must have really needed some mommy-alone-time that day to brave the walk.