Thursday, March 20, 2008

I should have done some research first

So it would appear I should have checked my calendar before posting that last entry. In fact we have missed the last day of winter and today (Thursday, March 20th) is actually the first official day of Spring. I don't know how I missed that. I guess I just assumed every year it was March 21st but maybe it has more to do with the moon and the tide and stuff. So oh well. Do with this information what you wish. I would not hold it against you one bit if you chose to treat today as the last day of Winter and celebrate the first day of Spring tomorrow. As for me, I guess I'm glad I dressed June in her corduroy skirt yesterday.


sarah said...

Oliver just ran in and exclaimed, "It's the first day of Spring today!" Guess I'm the last to know!

Annee said...

Does June just love it when you take pictures of her? She seems like she always has that same happy face on in her pictures? Does she already know how to pull a camera face? It makes it so easy to get a cute picutre I would imagine.

sarah said...

Yes she does love the camera. She's an easy subject to capture. Much nicer than the bribery it takes to shoot Oliver.

Ie Li said...

I love that corduroy skirt.

So it's now officially spring and the best we can do in Virginia is 55 degrees? Come on!