Monday, January 14, 2008

Mom, you don't really need that

So I have a bit of a shopping problem. I can't resist finding a bargain. My main weaknesses are the Gap and Gymboree sale racks and Target (anything at target is a good deal, right?!). So that paired with my scatter-brained-multi-tasking-thorough&methodical tendencies makes for an unbearable experience for my boys doing errands with me. The only way I can convince them to go shopping with me is to tell them exactly what I'm looking for and promise not to look at anything else.

So a while ago when we were at home I was explaining to the boys about how I tend to buy things I don't really need when I go out, so sometimes I try to just stay home more. Now when we shop, they are my little internal conscience telling me, "Mom, you don't really need that" when they see me wandering. It's actually worked a few times as I look at them and say "you're right" and put my stack down and leave. Other times it's rather annoying.

On one such trip on Friday, I was at Target with Oliver and saw the adorable baby girl swim suits on display. There is a foot of snow outside, so I'm not sure why they have their suits out now, but nonetheless, I remembered that June doesn't really have a suit right now so I would be completely justified in getting one. So I did. It is adorable. I can't find a picture of the one I got on their site, but here is the other one I was debating. The one I got is this same style but it's light pink with tiny white hearts all over. So cute. Everyone thought it was weird that I got it, but that's ok. I knew one day when it warmed up I'd be glad.

So Friday night we went to dinner with some friends, and my friend Laura told me about this great indoor pool in Lehi they had gone to. On Saturday Scott had to work and we were facing a boring day with nothing to do, so I decided to take the kids swimming. NOW AREN'T WE ALL GLAD JUNE HAD A NEW SWIMSUIT TO WEAR?! We had a great time. This pool was incredible. Great setup for infants, toddlers, medium kids, big kids, and adults. It was huge and warm and clean. They had slides and toys and a lazy river and a giant bucket the size of a car that fills up with water and dumps it periodically on whoever happens to be standing under it. Too bad I didn't have my camera. It looked odd as we wore suits and flip flops out of the car through the snow into the pool. And being out of the habbit I forgot important things like towels and my flip flops (turns out uggs don't make the best pool shoes).

So we're standing in the private family dressing room (another great aspect of the aquatic center) and talking about how cute June was in her new suit and what chubby legs she has. I get the kids dressed first so I can send them out while I get dressed, so I'm standing there in just my suit for a while. Oliver looks at me at his eye level and laughs and says, "Mom, you have chubby legs too."


Dahl Family said...

So Sarah, I decided to check out your blog, and lo and behold - I'm mentioned! What a honor. I'm glad you had a good time at the pool!
Seriously, it was fun to look at your blog. I had no idea you were obsessed with Target too! Your family pictures are adorable.

Leslie said...

OH MY GOSH!! Kids are just too funny! I am scared to have them for that reason to remind me that I might be caring around some extra weight. (not that you are, you look amazing!!) But sometimes there littles eyes can't differentiate what's chubby and what's not! I guess they just keep ya laughing. Don't you love the legacy center? It's great! We live so close to it...we occasionally take our little niece and nephew there and they love it. I swim there a lot just for exercise. Well I am glad to know I am not the only one with the shopping problem and I am totally a sucker for Gap and Target too!! I go in for one thing and come out with like 10! I think Target is the worst for that. Anyway, thanks for the good laugh!

Ie Li said...

I love Target! But I haven't yet worked up the courage to go there by myself with the kids, which has turned out to be really good for our wallets!

Oliver is a funny kid, but I'm sure that's not what you wanted to hear.

Stephanie Aurora Clark Nielson said...

thats awesome, but you dont have chubby legs.

Lisa and Mike Marion said...

What a good laugh. That is the best. Mike reminds me about every other day that I have a problem with Target. I explain to him that Target is actually like a friend to me here in Wisconsin. It is probably not a healthy way of looking at it but it does just feel good to be in there doesn't it?!?

Annee said...

Don't listen to him...

p.s. I wanted to buy two of those swimming suits on Friday, but resisted, due to the weather and all. Maybe I will go back so all the girls can match this summer! Ie li, you should get one for Mei Li! Let's hurry. You know, while supplies last and all.

Katie said...

Obviously he doesn't know what Chubby is. Or maybe Chubby is like calling someone PHAT.
Every little girl needs a Valentine's swimming suit.

Karin said...

Funny how many of us can relate to the shopping thing. Ok, chubby leg comment, too. Why are they so stinkin' cute are little legs???